Our Team
We started companies ourselves to develop impactful technologies, and we want to help more technical founders do the same.

Matt Krisiloff
Matt Krisiloff is CEO of Conception, a company working on turning pluripotent stem cells into viable human eggs. Previously, he was the director of Y Combinator Research, the research non-profit of Y Combinator. He was also a founding team member of OpenAI, and has worked with over 150 startups as both an investor and advisor.
The Future of Fertility
Lucas Harrington
Lucas Harrington is a co-founder and CSO of Mammoth Biosciences, a company, developing developing next-generation CRISPR gene editing therapies. Lucas obtained his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of California Berkeley in the lab of Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna (also a co-founder of Mammoth).
Mammoth Bio scores $195M top-up to supercharge CRISPR diagnostics, medicinesSTAY IN TOUCH
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